
What Are “Future Studies” And How Can They Help Us Improve Our World?

Future Tech Expert - February 28, 2024

What Are _Future Studies_ And How Can They Help Us Improve Our World_


Future studies, or future research, are the systematic study of possible, probable, and preferable futures. The field has been expanded to explore alternative futures and deepened to investigate the worldviews and mythologies that underlie our collective perspectives.

Governments and leaders worldwide are increasingly seeking systemic foresight to manage uncertainty and build resilience. For example, the UAE government has a future ministry, and the UN Secretary-General recently proposed a World Summit of the Future in 2023.

What Attracted You To Foresight And Speculative Design?

I went through the field of foresight, or future studies, in high school. I was immediately inspired: broad and imaginative, analytically insightful, ethically engaged, and practically applied. However, after a few years of foresight work in government, I found that lawmakers could only envision alternative futures. Even when the field was somewhat current, their traditional methods did not necessarily have much impact. impact.

So I began to revisit my long-standing creative interests that may have started to wane during my formal studies in history and law – doing things, films, acting, playing – and I demand

What Global Challenge Does Your Work Respond To?

The central challenge tackled by this article could, of course, be described as global, but it is nonetheless psychological. It is an aspect of the human disorder that exists at all levels of action and institution, from the personnel to the planetary. This challenge is: how do we engage with the different possible worlds we might find ourselves in later, not only intellectually, in the abstract. But more intensely as potential lived realities? Traditionally, the field has been influential in organizing frameworks of thought but less in transforming these anticipations into embodied perceptions and their adherence.

Design and the future were largely non-overlapping worlds when we started connecting the dots in the mid-2000s, and ten years ago, the term “speculative design” wasn’t even in the picture the mixture. I have now spent over a decade often bringing lots to new spaces. Particularly cultivating and nurturing those links between foresight and media, arts and design, which aim to help acculturate – to build in our cultures – these forms of thought. However, the new executives who cater to different groups are part of the vitality of how the job took off, and I’m happy to help people more effectively explore the future under any banner.

What Is The Greatest Critical Challenge You Face As A Futurist?

Maybe the most critical challenge is the need for future literacy in the field of culture. Take politics and journalism, institutions that are inherently concerned with the future but lack the well-established habit of a “rigorous imagination.” The lack of knowledge about the future is evident when demanding journalists demand that you provide predictions for their “future” article (note the singular form) regardless of the topic they cover.

What Is The Most Interesting Novelty In Collective Foresight And Why?

Future Studies the most significant advance at the moment is the rapid expansion of those who initiate, lead, and participate in foresight work. It’s fascinating. People from different sectors, who bring diverse cultural, organizational, and disciplinary experiences and sensitivities. Bring together the tools to build planned foresight and experiential future approaches and adapt them to their contexts and needs.

How do emerging media technologies (such as augmented reality / virtual reality) enable this?

Playing with emerging technologies and media tools is a fun and productive aspect of opening up. New thinking methods through experimental futures. For example, for the World Summit on Governance.

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What Is The Most  Misunderstood About Your Job?  What Do You Want People To Know?

The role of a futurist remains more like that of an artist or writer than that of an accountant or lawyer. It is as much an art or a profession as it is a profession. And there are as numerous types of futurists as there are ways of thinking about the future. The tradition I identify with is characterized by its radically imaginative, critical, integrative, and democratic character. And for me, it is part of the ongoing project to get words like “future” and “future” out of the way. As they were abused, pre-populated, or colonized with a lot of baggage.

What Was The Biggest Impact Of Futures Mapping?

The habit of mapping the future can change your life. For institutions or organizations, this can change the way they work. It is the same on an individual level, and it is extraordinary to see this in my students. I think one of the reasons it can have such an impact. Is because it’s a way to put the “what” and “how” of daily endeavors into the larger “why” of our lives. Investing in foresight connects important day-to-day work with more significant, meaningful long-term problems – and keeps those connections alive.

How Can One Democratize Future Studies And Make Them More Accessible?

Well, I love that question. It’s fundamental to what we’ve done. My approach to developing and socializing the future of experience. In a generalized manner has been to have several hats ready, sometimes wearing several at once. I design projects and interventions to ask specific questions and new horizons for reflection for particular occasions. And target groups as a creative person.

The future remains not just something that happens to us but something that we can shape. And the exciting thing is that the more people and institutions connect, participate and act, the more trustworthy it becomes.

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